Thursday, November 8, 2018

E for elaphant ears!

my mom used to make these for us all the time when we were kids, only she didn’t quite follow the directions, she got as far as the rolling into a log then she would slice them up into probably a dozen pieces and bake them into the small cookies.
now I will point out that I did mess up a bit on these, but I really didn’t feel like re-doing them over a simple mistake. I forgot to sprinkle them with cinnamon and sugar before putting them in the oven. they probably would have had a slightly more finished look if I had done that but all in all they were still good and I am counting them as the E.
and yes I realize my finished product is not exactly beautiful, but they did taste good and that for me is all that mattered.

I never really understood why they were called Elephant ears till I read the recipe as an adult.
this recipe only makes four biscuit like cookies. after the slicing the roll into four equal parts your supposed to flatten them into six inch circles. these are supposed to be large cookies, not small which is why they call them elephant ears, because they are big and round like an elephants ear.

I kind of get why my mom skipped the flattening part. it tells you to do it with your hands and its not exactly easy, it takes a lot of time, its messy., and breaks apart. other people may be better at this then I am, but alas I am not very good at flattening. the flattening also doesn’t change the flavor much from the slicing my mother did, so if you just wanted the flavor and didn’t care about them being small then by all means I suggest making smaller cookies. however the whole point of them being called Elephant ears is they are large! and come on what could be better then an extra large cookie especially if its the size of your head.