Sunday, June 23, 2019

J for Jelly roll

I had never made this before, but I always would look at the recipe and think how delicious it sounded.
the sponge was a easy yellow cake that was mixed in the mixer then poured into a jelly roll pan

I wasn’t actually very fond of this recipe. which is disappointing because I always wanted to make this. I thought the cake part was too thin. which was my own fault as it called for a slightly smaller pan, but I had to use what I already had. I was not about to go on a pan hunt for a specific size pan when I am not sure its a standard size. I have done that before and all it does is cause a lot of frustration.

I also thought the cake was too sticky. which may have had to do with the larger pan as well but I’m thinking not. it seemed to have a lot of sugar in it which is what I assume made it seem so sticky. the flavor of the cake was okay, but too sweet for my tastes. I like to taste something other then the sugar.

it did roll very nicely though which I was worried about. in fact the whole reason I had never made this cake is I was scared of the rolling. I have seen people make jelly rolls on cooking shows and have seen the disasters they can become. while this cake should have been thicker the thinness definitely made it easier to roll.

I used a strawberry jelly for the filling. and it matched nicely in flavor with the cake. and actually brought the sweetness down just a bit, bit not quite enough.
I really don’t think I will be making this one again unless it was requested by someone else, and even then I think I would discourage it.