Sunday, February 16, 2020

P for Pizza pockets.

this turned out pretty good, I really enjoyed the crust, while I was not overly thrilled with the filling, but that is a personal opinion. I am not overly fond of that much meat in my pizza.
the recipe calls for pepperoni, and Italian sausage, and I happen to find one meat to be plenty. I know a lot of people are meat lovers when it comes to pizza though and may not find this to be meaty enough. while others will find this recipe just the perfect amount of meat.

for the sausage I used a ground turkey that was flavored with Italian spices. and the pepperoni was turkey as well. this is due to the fact I’m not supposed to eat pork. though I do have to admit I do sometimes splurge and eat a bit bacon but only a few times a year. for the most part I find ground turkey can replace any other ground meat, and the turkey pepperoni is fine though definitely has a different flavor then your traditional pepperoni.

the crust was easy to make, and yeast free so no waiting forever for it to rise. I love quick bread recipes, as I am not a fan of the whole kneading thing and waiting forever for things to rise. obviously when it comes to food, I am not that patient of a person. When I cook I just want to eat quick, and I want it to be good, so for me quick breads are the way to go.

this crust did have to sit for a bit to rest and while it did that I was able to get the rest of the ingredients gathered. the dough rolled out easily which is always a plus. once rolled out the fillings were spread and placed on approximately half the crust leaving just enough on the sides to crimp the crust shut without causing the fillings to burst out the sides. I did an okay job at this with only the slightest bit of sauce coming out as I closed it up. not bad for the first time ever making this. the recipe was also very specific as to the order of the layering of the ingredients, which may not seem like a big deal but it did turn out perfect the way they had me do it so it must be a crucial step.

the finished product is a good size and I do believe would be big enough for 3-4 people, unless you were really hungry then maybe only 2. I would love to make this again using different fillings. my next idea is spinach, mushroom and feta as a filling. I just think that sounds amazing. this recipe could really have any filling you felt like having, just layer it all on the crust fold over and bake to its gooey cheesiness of wonderment that pizza is; and enjoy.