Saturday, July 18, 2020


My garden is going fairly well.
Every morning I go out and help the squashes out with pollenating incase the bees don’t fly that day, then in the evenings I go out to help pollenate the cucumbers.
I figured out the cucumbers don’t wake up nearly as early as the squash, and the squash goes to bed before I get home from work, so they have to be pollenated at differing times. In the evenings I also do the weeding, the deadheading and picking of the veggies.
I am eating cucumbers and squash every day and looking up recipes so I can eat them in more than one way, so as not to get bored of them.
My tomatoes however are not real happy they are getting blossom end rot. Hmm… need to try to figure out what to do about that.
The blackberries are doing really good; these are wild blackberries and come back every year. Some years are good, others not so much it depends on the weather. Last year looked as if it was going to be good but then it rained so much right before they were ready, and they molded. This year I watched and hoped but didn’t get too excited till they were ready to eat. And now they are ready and coming in nicely. The only problem with wild blackberries is they have a lot more seeds then what you purchase in the grocery store but that’s ok they still taste good. So far I have eaten them straight off the bush, and cooked a lot of things. I have made Blackberry cobbler, blackberry empanadas, blackberry muffins and blackberry barbeque sauce.
So far the hard work is paying off.

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