Sunday, July 5, 2020

T for turtle bread.

This is a recipe I am very fond of. We used to make it quite a bit when I was a child.
The name is a bit odd but don’t worry it has no real turtles in it. Actually, when I mention turtle bread to people they automatically think of a chocolate, caramel, nut topping, but this is basically just a white bread. It’s called turtle bread because it shaped like a turtle!

I don’t know why they chose Turtle bread to represent the letter T; there are so many foods that start with T. Tomatoes, tacos, tuna, toast, etc. But they chose a bread, I guess this is one of those things that is targeted toward children. But even as I child I questioned the choice. Not that I didn’t like the bread. This bread is pretty awesome. It takes an hour from start to finish, has a great flavor and is cute. How can you go wrong with cute?

The one problem we had when I was a kid though is the head is the only part with raisons and even that only has two raisons for eyes. We all liked raisons, so we tended to argue about who got the head.

The raisons made it special and we all wanted it. Perhaps we should have decorated the shell with raisons as oh well how would siblings ever learn to get along if they had nothing to argue about.
In any case we all loved this bread, whether or not we got the head.

I hadn’t made bread in years and realized Kneading takes more arm muscle then I remember. I forgot just how long ten minutes can feel when kneading. It’s probably a really good exercise.

I didn’t quite proof this long enough, but it was still passible and tasted good. I will make it again someday, but probably not till winter. Baking bread in the summer is just too hot.
And let me just say this is nothing like the taste of fresh from the oven bread with butter on top. Yum!

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