Saturday, March 19, 2022

Disney Princess Cookbook

For Christmas I received the Disney Princess cookbook and have been working my way through it. it has 50 recipes in it. I should have been taking notes on everything I have made but I didn't so I will be reporting from memory. I also didn't start taking photos of finished products until after I had made several of the recipes. Right now I am approximately half way through the book and so far the recipes are really good. I'm not doing them in any particular order. I'm just making them as I feel the want to try the recipe or if I have the ingredients on hand. I really want to make them all, but I am running into a few issues with my random food sensitivities, so some of the recipes are going to have to be altered but I am pretty good at coming up with alternatives. mostly I’m having to replace any red meat with poultry and oranges with Grapefruit. So here's to another cookbook. I will make my way through this one, it's going to take a while but I will do it, even the few recipes that don't sound all that appealing.

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