Saturday, March 19, 2022

Sunshine Bowl

This is the first recipe in the book, though not the first one I made. I will still blog about it first. This recipe sounded absolutely amazing… well almost. I am not a fan of cantaloupe but that is just a personal distaste. I know a lot of people who love it, as well as many who don't. I think it may be one of those you love it or hate it kind of foods and I am in the I dislike it category on this one, so I decided to replace it with Mango. I absolutely adore mangoes and they are similar in color to Cantaloupe so the color would look right. Yeah I know they taste nothing alike. The picture makes it look a bit more pale than it was in person, it was actually a nice shade of orange, like its a bowl full of sunshine. The Orange was also an issue, and not a “I don’t like it” kind, but the food allergy kind. While an orange won't kill me it does make me terribly miserable so I try to avoid them even though they are an absolutely delicious fruit that I wish I could eat. I grew up eating Oranges and loving them, then one day in my late teens they decided they didn't much like me and now I can’t eat them, which makes me ever so sad. Sometimes I do try to eat just a tiny bite to see if maybe I can eat them now, but so far it’s not gone all that well, so I didn’t even bother to try orange this time. Instead I ended up replacing the orange in this recipe with red grapefruit. I do think the orange would have tasted better but the grapefruit was pretty good as well. Besides those two changes I followed the recipe and it turned out really good. My sister asked me if I changed it so much if it really counted as making the recipe and I concluded that yes it does count because it was still really close and I can’t help the orange thing. Plus they have a note about trying it with different fruits so I did still follow that. And yes I would make it again.

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