Monday, May 23, 2022

3 in one day.

All of these were fairly simple and I had the ingredients on hand so I just made them all for my lunch one day.

Chomptastic Carrots and Dip:
The dip was tasty. It was creamy and had a nice texture to it. The flavor was similar to a sourcream and onion though it doesn’t have onion in it, so I guess it was more like sour cream and garlic. And the carrots were just carrots. The recipe actually calls for baby carrots but I went with carrot sticks because I had whole carrots and they work the same as baby carrots. This was a nice simple recipe that I am willing to make again. The hardest part is waiting for the dip to chill and become flavorful. But its worth it to wait because like most dips it develops more flavor over time.

Tasty Flower Sandwiches:
I did change this up a tiny bit. But only in that I added lettuce to the sandwich and swapped out the Mayonnaise for greek yogurt. I don’t like Mayo so therefore I change it up everytime I make something and Greek yogurt makes a good substitute as it’s creamy and close to the same consistency as mayo. These were a little harder to make then I had anticipated. I mean it's a sandwich. How hard could it be? Not hard at all till you have to cut them. The flower part is not hard to cut but getting the middle out without tearing the bread was a bit difficult, it may have been easier if I’d had a circle, but I didn’t so I used a mini flower cutter I had. It still turned out really cute. I just had to be really careful taking out the middles. As for the taste it was a basic sandwich flavor. I do think these would be really cute for a tea though.

Towering Parfaits:
This is a fairly basic recipe where you just layer pudding, whipped cream and blueberries. They also said you could use yogurt. I happened to have some vanilla cinnamon yogurt I thought would go good with this so that is what I used. I had never had that particular flavor of yogurt before though and I didn’t like it. I have had so many other vanilla yogurts that were good, so I thought this one would be really good but the flavor was weird, and I have no idea why. In any case it kinda made for a disappointing parfait. I also thought it would be better with some granola or graham cracker crumbs, just something to break it up a bit and all the parfaits I have ever had had something like that in them. I would like to make this again and use a better tasting yogurt because they are out there and this would be really good with one.

All in all I would make all three recipes again. They are easy and tasted pretty good. (well minus the weird yogurt but that is easy to amend)

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Snow White hot chocolate

I really wanted to like this. It sounded amazing, but in reality it wasn’t all that good. It was WAY too sweet. I feel like it could be pretty amazing though if I used less white chocolate chips, or added way more milk. I actually had to add extra milk to it so I could drink it. All in all if I was to make this again I would certainly alter the ratios. And maybe use a different type of chocolate chips. I think this may need to be made with a more expensive brand like ghirardelli or something. I am not willing to try it though. I don't generally purchase white chocolate chips as I am not that big of a fan of white chocolate so buying them just to make this recipe that may or may not be improved is not worth it to me. so I will just leave it that this will probably be skipped from now on.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Seven Dwarfs soup

This was an amazingly simple recipe to make. I was skeptical that it would be any good because of the simplicity of it. But it was actually really yummy. I always expect soups to contain onion and garlic to give them flavor plus other spices and herbs, but this didn’t call for either and no herbs whatsoever. The only spices it called for was salt and pepper which is why I thought it wouldn’t have much flavor. But it had a lot of flavor to it. I used homemade stock and I never add anything to that either, it's just bones and water cooked overnight in the crockpot, which makes an amazing stock. I guess the celery and carrots in this soup does a lot for the flavor. who knew those two things could make it taste so good. I also liked the pasta they called for, I had never had ditalini pasta before, I think it goes particularly well in soup. Actually it would probably go well with any pasta dish, but hey I really like pasta so I am always willing to try new shapes of pasta for any reason. I will definitely make this one again. It's so easy, the hardest part being chopping the vegetables. And if that is too hard the recipe does have a note that you can make it with frozen mixed veggies to make it even easier to make.