Sunday, May 22, 2022

Snow White hot chocolate

I really wanted to like this. It sounded amazing, but in reality it wasn’t all that good. It was WAY too sweet. I feel like it could be pretty amazing though if I used less white chocolate chips, or added way more milk. I actually had to add extra milk to it so I could drink it. All in all if I was to make this again I would certainly alter the ratios. And maybe use a different type of chocolate chips. I think this may need to be made with a more expensive brand like ghirardelli or something. I am not willing to try it though. I don't generally purchase white chocolate chips as I am not that big of a fan of white chocolate so buying them just to make this recipe that may or may not be improved is not worth it to me. so I will just leave it that this will probably be skipped from now on.

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