Thursday, September 6, 2018

C for chocolate chip cookies

wow that is three C’s!
Chocolate chip cookies are one of favorite Cookies, yeah I know way to be generic right? but I can’t help it, they are just so good. the way the cookie is chewy and dense at the same time and if its done right the chocolate is always just a bit melty even once its cooled.
of course I already had a favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe, a tried and true one, the rather generic one on the toll house chocolate chips. which is a recipe I had perfected, I bring them to places and tell people that is the recipe I use and they are like why don’t mine come out like that, these are so good, and I of course just shrug because I have no idea why something I make would be better then something someone else made when it is the same recipe. I have heard though that different cooks using the same recipe will always taste different, because everyone has their own techniques. though I must point out the toll house chocolate chip cookie recipe taste pretty much same between myself and my sisters making them. I really think its all in following the direction.

but enough on that and on to this recipe in the book.
I was of course concerned it would not be as good as what I am used to making but I read the recipe carefully and it sounded pretty similar, so hey it would probably be good.
my niece came over for the weekend so I asked her if she would like to help me with making these. she of course was very exited, she loves baking and also is a big fan of Chocolate chip cookies.
so we gathered up the ingredients and got to work.

we bake a lot when she comes over so we have it down a rhythm pretty well of who does what and how to measure, so the work was split fairly evenly between us. that is until we got to the final mixing. this dough is a very stiff dough. so stiff in fact I half wondered if we had accidentally put in too much flour. we had been passing the half cup back and forth and counting out the two and a half cups it called for trying to be careful, but it would have been easy enough to mess up the count the way we were doing it. the dough was so stiff in fact it was impossible to mix with the wooden spoon. I finally gave up and just squished it a whole bunch with my hands to mix it. it kind of reminded me of play dough as I mixed it.
the recipe called for nuts which again I don’t generally put nuts in things, but since it called for them we added pecans. pecans are probably my favorite when it comes to cooking with nuts. once we finally got the dough all mixed it was time to scoop them out.

I was nervous with how stiff the dough was it wouldn’t flatten as they cooked, but they did. though not as much as I had hoped so I squished the second batch down a little only to decide that didn’t really make them any better, so why bother? and didn’t squish anymore of them.
and then came the hardest part. the waiting for every last cookie to be cooked.

normally when we cook something like cookies we are sneaking them right off the cookie sheet the moment they come out of the oven., but this time we had to wait, so I could get some pictures for the blog.
this didn’t go over that well with my niece. not that she was disrespectful or anything but you could see the disappointment in her face when I told her she had to wait.
once all the cookies were baked, and pictures were taken we dug in!
and oh wow these cookies were really good! I didn’t have to worry at all about the dough being stiff, because it worked out really well the centers were slightly more poofed then the outer part of the cookie. they were soft and fluffy and the chocolate chips were melty gooey .
as good as they were I still think I would leave out the nuts next time. but my niece had to disagree with that she really liked the nuts, but either way they turned out really well.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Saya that the nuts were really good in these but they would also be good without!
