This is one of those recipes my mother wouldn’t let us make because she thought the ingredients sounded weird.

And the weird ingredient that my mother was so concerned about was actually the thing that makes this recipe the tops. And what was that ingredient? Pickle juice!

Now personally I don’t think pickle juice is weird but for some reason my mother did. But the Pickle juice and chopped pickles really make this taste like a burger. I really enjoy making this recipe. And yes even my mother came around, she loves it too.

This is a relatively easy straight forward recipe. Par bake the crust, Brown the meat with some other things, add the rest of the ingredients except half the cheese, spoon into crust, bake for a while then add the rest of the cheese and bake for 5 more minutes.

Due too not being able to eat beef I did make the change of using turkey burger but other than that I stick to the recipe. I do believe that is why it turns out so well, someone really thought this one through. And I love it.

Generally I eat it topped with ketchup and mustard just to really make the burger experience come alive.
And yes this is one to make over and over again.

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