Tuesday, May 26, 2020

S for strawberry Shortcake.

I think we may have made these before, at least the shortcake part. The shortcake tasted familiar; the strawberry part not so much. You wouldn’t think the strawberries would be the something different; I mean its sugar and strawberries, but it was. Yes we used strawberries when making strawberry shortcake however we did not use nearly that much sugar.

I was a bit shocked when I saw the amount of sugar to strawberry ratio. It was one cup to a package of berries. That is more sugar then I put in a strawberry rhubarb pie and Rhubarb is tart, but I thought okay maybe I am wrong maybe this is a normal amount of sugar and we generally do it differently to save… I don’t know our teeth or something. When I eat strawberry shortcake that someone else has made or at a restaurant it does tend to be a bit sweeter than what I am used too, and I am trying to stick to the book so I did it, I soaked the berries in the sugar and waited the appropriate time, and while I waited I got started on the shortcake.

The shortcake was easy and pretty much what I am used too in a homemade shortcake. I did think they were a bit big, but the recipe said it made four so I went with that. I think usually when we made this it made eight and I think that is a more appropriate number for the amount of dough it makes, so future shortcakes will go back to being smaller, and then more people can eat them too!

Once the shortcake was out of the oven I had to do that torturous thing of waiting till everything is completely cooled. Why are deserts so hard to wait for? Seriously why?
Once everything was cooled I whipped up the whipping cream and to my absolute delight I didn’t mess it up. I have a tendency to either over whip, or under whip or add to much powdered sugar or cream of tartar; anyway Whipped cream has never been a strong suit of mine so the whipped cream made me proud this time.
So everything was good and ready to be assembled.

And here are my thoughts on the strawberries. WAY TO MUCH SUGAR! They were not nestled nicely in a fine syrup; no they were globed together in a gritty sludge. There was so much sugar there was no way it could all dissolve in the juices. I may have been able to dissolve it if I had heated the strawberries but that is not what the recipe called for, so I left it and made a mental note to myself to use a quarter of the sugar next time.

So yes the strawberry shortcake was good, even if it was a bit sweet and yes it will be made again with a few alterations but nothing that would change it too much; because no matter how I look at it I really like strawberry shortcake. Yum!

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